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Dr. Shrinker Complete Series Blu Ray

Dr. Shrinker Complete Series Blu Ray

Regular price $25.00 USD
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DR. SHRINKER! A trio of teens find themselves stranded on a remote island inhabited only by the diabolical Dr. Shrinker and his dwarf sidekick Hugo. Shrinker tests his shrinking ray by using it on the teenagers, who then must find a way to restore themselves to their normal size while trying to prevent Shrinker from using his ray on the rest of the world.

At last! The entire Dr. Shrinker series all on one Blu Ray disc. This is a quality fan-created set, with interactive menus, episode synopses, and color artwork. The source is an early 2000's rebroadcast of the original Krofft Supershow. These are uncut, and contain the original teasers for each episode. These are region-free, and will play on all Blu Ray players and Playstation 4. They will not play on X-Box.

Dr. Shrinker has never been officially released on DVD.

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